Teri Woodard

Teri Woodard

Teri works with Growing Pains Community Outreach which serves teen moms and dads with spiritual guidance and mentor services.

“Several of the girls most of which are no longer teenagers but young adults who still desire guidance and that is where I serve the ministry directly, as well as a support to the director of the ministry Susan Fudge.

Teri Woodard
Teri Woodard

Teri and Dennis Woodard

“Several of the girls most of which are no longer teenagers but young adults who still desire guidance and that is where I serve the ministry directly, as well as a support to the director of the ministry Susan Fudge.

I am a elementary teacher and have taught for the past 22 years.  I am currently a teacher on assignment for the English Learners Services department in Fontana Unified. 

As a teacher on assignment  I do not have my own classroom and am more of a coach to teachers. 

In my position I also work closely with principals and parents.  I am currently taking Spanish classes so I can communicate directly with parents as many of our parents are Spanish speakers.

My husband, Dennis,  also participates with Growing Pains.  He works with the boyfriends and dads that come with the girls.”

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