“Bridges are not structures, but people – people who have been changed on the inside through the joyful and difficult work of building relationships in a second or third culture. These people carry within them an ability to identify compassionately with others. These Bridge Leaders have the ability to move back and forth between groups, and so can stand with multiple language groups, religious groups, political parties, and even countries. Because of who they have become, Bridges can bring us together. Bridges are shaped and inspired by the prayer that Jesus prayed to God the Father: As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world…I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me (John 17:21-23). People become Bridges, and Bridges can bring us together.”

Jim Milley

Executive Director

beth teran

Jim Milley

The Milley Ministry

Alex Lyons Professional picture

Alex Lyons

The Ministry of Freedom Customized

beth teran

Beth Teran

Anthony Morano image

Cecilia Contreras

Chad and Fabiola Wolyn

Norm Gordon

Florence Annang

Thrive Learning Lab

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