BRIDGES Fiscal Year-End Giving
Membership Moves the Mission
Learn how to reach people outside the walls of the Church through Bridges membership
Support our 2021-22 Ministry Plans for Exponential Growth
Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity to Jesus and Bridges. God has done incredible work through our partnership in the last 12 months. Because of you, we’ve been able to support & train a new generation of gifted and called leaders to be the bridges that bring us together with each other and with God.
Because of your faithful giving, we’ve been able to:
- Train new Bridge Leaders who serve migrant workers, people in recovery from addictions, and the television production industry, extending from Los Angeles to New York and Texas.
- Support leaders who organize groups to provide food to people in quarantine and/or facing hard economic times
- Observe our disciples making disciples of Jesus.
As we pray and plan for the 2021/22 ministry season, I invite you to prayerfully consider giving to God through Bridges before June 30th, the close of our fiscal year. I believe every step in faith we take to give of our time, talents & treasures transforms our heart, opens our eyes, and connects us with God’s goodness in fresh new ways.
I am so grateful for your ongoing commitment to the Kingdom-building work that flows through Bridges. The world is desperately in need of Jesus and I believe God has strategically placed us here together to meet that need across America as we seek to share His life-changing love in new and innovative ways. Thanks again for being a part of the Bridges mission. I can’t wait to see what the Lord does next!
In Hope,

Executive Director
P.S. Sign-up for BRIDGES Membership by June 30th & receive a bonus Refresh Gift*

* REFRESH Gift Bags available for Financial Partners pledging $100-$200 monthly or $1200-$2400 yearly