Keep in touch with Bridges by joining our email list!Sign up today and we'll send you our free ebook 10 Steps to Life-Changing Growth Success! First Name Last Name Email Send Me The Free...
Instructions for the Ministry of Gluttony
Did you know that Jesus was called a glutton and a drunkard? And a friend of all the worst people? Jim Milley shares some good news and good ideas for us during our pandemic. Keep in touch with Bridges by joining our email list!Sign up today and we'll send you our...
Fishers of Men!
We’re proud to have you living out Mark 1:17 with us. Where are you on Bridges’ 12 step path? Keep in touch with Bridges by joining our email list!Sign up today and we'll send you our free ebook 10 Steps to Life-Changing Growth Success! First Name Last Name Email Send...
A Boat Named Mark 1:17
Bridges seeks to live out the mission of Mark 1:17 and teach you to become fishers of people! Keep in touch with Bridges by joining our email list!Sign up today and we'll send you our free ebook 10 Steps to Life-Changing Growth Success! First Name Last Name Email...
About Us
Bridges is a Christian non-profit that empowers local leaders to improve the lives of people in their communities.
Jim Milley on A Passion for Christ
Recently Jim Milley was interviewed on A Passion for Christ on KKLA 99.5 in Los Angeles. You can listen to the interview...