BRIDGES Fiscal Year-End Giving to Grow
Your generosity & support, has made it possible to support & train a new generation of gifted and called leaders to be the bridges that bring us together with each other and with God.
BRIDGES Membership walk-through
Greetings! A few weeks ago, we launched Bridges Membership - a new sustainable subscription model for recurring giving supporting our mission. Our goal is to launch 500 new Discipling Communities led by trained Bridge Leaders by 2025, and we will do whatever it takes...
Building leaders
Sometimes we are blessed with conversations that light us up and make us want to take notes. That's what happened a couple of weeks ago to Pastor Jim Milley during a session with a leader in New York who is learning about Bridges. This is his text message to himself...
Receiving Help
Sometimes, the best way to help a neighbor is by receiving help yourself, just as Jesus asked for water at the well. Have you ever grown in relationship with someone through receiving help?
Bridging Path Step 6: Help
It’s important to understand the needs of those we are called to serve. As Jesus did, Ask how you can best help your friends and neighbors or see how you can receive help from them yourself.
Ask How You Can Help
It’s important to understand the needs of those we are called to serve. Ask how you can best help your friends or neighbors.